Sunday, December 30, 2012

Back to CRM 4.0...

Go a chance to work in CRM 4.0 recently.. great experience after working in CRM 2011.. Hats off to the guys who working on the CRM 4.0... Lots of steps for simple customization... all those has been eased in 2011 version...  As we know CRM 4.0 supports many html DOM Events.. which are not supported in CRM 2011.. but over all a greate experience...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Solution import failed: Option set name doesn't match after Roll-up installation

When updating crm 2011 and installing crm 2011 roll-up's there is a chance that option set schema name are changed. it cannot be revereted back by uninstall. The only way is raising the ticket in microsoft.

Other way around is running the query below:

The below query will find the mismatch fields:

select distinct as Current_Name, as Entity, attribute.Name as Attribute, 'new_' + lower( + '_' + lower( as Fixed_Name from attribute, optionset, entity where attribute.optionsetid = optionset.optionsetid and entity.entityid = attribute.entityid and like 'new_%' and NOT like '%_new_%' and like '%new%' order by

 To fix the mismatch:

update OptionSetView set name = 'new_' + LOWER( + '_' + LOWER(
from AttributeView as attribute, EntityView as entity
where attribute.optionsetid = OptionSetView.optionsetid and entity.entityid = attribute.entityid and like 'new_%' and NOT like '%_new_%' and attribute.Name like '%new%'

The above method is not suported by microsoft. Use it on our own risk.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Attach OnClick Event to MSCRM 2011

        In CRM when we select a check box or Radio Button and when we write some code on that that even will only fire when we press tab or when we click outside of that checkbox. This is because only onchange event is available for CRM fields no onclick event is there.

But we can programmatically create a onclick event in CRM for fields,

Just add this JavaScript code to onload of form

function onLoad()
   {       crmForm.all.schema_name.onclick = function ()
                   //here your code for action to be done
               }    }

Note: Many such events are available like onfocuschange, ondragged, etc.

These events can be found when user debugg the java script using the IE developer tools by pressing f12. and put "crmForm.all.schema_name" in watch window.

Click on below link to find how to debug javascript using IE developer tools.

Happy programming.!! :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

No Plugins selected from the list. Please select atleast one and try again.

Some times when Registering a Plugin through the Plugin Registration Tool we come across a Error Like "
No Plugins selected from the list. Please select atleast one and try again.".

This is because of the the problem in the coding of the Plugins.

     The Class type of the Plugin Class Library is not mentioned as Public since C# will take the default as Private and this makes the Plugins to not load into the Plugin Registration Tool.

Just make the the Class as Public Type. Violla the Things Works fine!!!!

Just Regiter with the Tool again.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


                 When we try to update the RDL file from the SSRS report project into MS CRM 2011, weupload the RDL file to CRM 2011 reports UI and save it. But when we try to run the report it would have thrown a error “rsprocessaborted”. The Reason for this will be you are using a shared Data Source from with you are getting your DataSet for the Reports. Just Remove the Shared Data Source

 and Just create individual Reports in the Project and it will create individual data source and create you DataSet. And give your conditions filters and build the report and update in the CRM by uploading in RDL file in the CRM UI and save the report and run the report. Great!! The report runs well!!!. Any doubt please post here so that I too can know the issues.

Create new Report and select next

Click edit in next screen and select your DataBase

Use Query Builder to build your query for the dataset

Thats all your error wont be there

NOTE:  When Building reports use filtered views to fetch data.. Because in filtered views all the security roles in CRM is applied.. :)

Update 1: If you still get this error, this is because of some configuration missmatch in the system. All you've to do is as follows

  1. Login to the Rport Manager URL from internet explorer.
  2. Browse to the folder named <Your_organisation_name>_MSCRM.
  3. inside that navigate to the custom reports folder ( If you cant see it then click on the view changer in the top right corner to details view.
  4. After you get in to the CustomReports folder you'll find MSCRM_DataSource in that folder.
  5. Double click on that and change its type to "Microsoft Dynamics CRM SQL" and the  credentials type  to the credetials supplied by the user when running the report (its the first option).
  6. then Click Apply and now run the report!!! It will work.. :)

Friday, May 18, 2012

SSRS Reports for CRM 2011

                This post is about how to create SSRS reports (SQL Server Reporting Services) for a CRM 2011. The SSRS reports require BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) installed which comes with Visual Stuio 2010 and  SQL Server 2008 R2.

               First Thing to do  before starting creating the Report is find the logic of the Report (Dont Panic!! just make a note of what your report want to display). and after that start the technical thing.

  • Start BIDS and File-> new Project
  • Select Report Server Project
  • Give proper Name to the Solution and choose the path for the report to be saved.
  • Now you'll be taken to a screen where you can see nothing.!!!
  • Dont worry the things are yet to come, in right hand side you'll see solution explorer.
  • Right Click on Reports folder in that and select Add New Report
  • Now it will ask you to connect the data base you want to make Report in. Select the Proper Database and Next is the query builder screen where you can type queries right into the screen and get the things that you want show in the results
  • Next screen will ask you to select Tabular or matrix form of report
  • Select Tabular as those are the standard form of report and click finish in next screen.
  • Violla!!!!! you report will be shown in next screen  and you need to click preview to view your report. :)

This is just a basic report creation you can do much more in depth things like adding Parameter in the Reports and getting user parameter in the Report to filter the data. Lots of other things.

Msdn Link fro SSRS
AcceleBrate Link (which i found usefull when i started working)

also a pdf is provided in the above link read through it.


Dynamics CRM

As you have already know from other sources this is a Customer Relationship Management Software from Microsoft Technologies (yep another product from Bill Gates).

I've not worked on other CRM softwares, but i find MS CRM quiet interesting and easy to work thing. Since i;m a fresher i cant comment on Other products but this product from microsoft is really cool.

It has a Customer 360 Degree. That is all the angles it covers customer from getting new customers retaining old ones, and satisfying customers with the service provided. There is a lot to post about that software which cant be done in a single blog, so you can search in google "MS CRM". which is available in online version and onpremise version. Try it. :) think u'll like it.