When updating crm 2011 and
installing crm 2011 roll-up's there is a chance that option set schema name are
changed. it cannot be revereted back by uninstall. The only way is raising the
ticket in microsoft.
Other way around is running the query below:
The below query will find the mismatch fields:
select distinct optionset.name as Current_Name, entity.name as
Entity, attribute.Name as Attribute, 'new_'
+ lower(entity.name) + '_' + lower(attribute.name) as Fixed_Name from
attribute, optionset, entity where attribute.optionsetid =
optionset.optionsetid and entity.entityid = attribute.entityid and
optionset.name like 'new_%'
and optionset.name NOT like '%_new_%'
and attribute.name like '%new%' order by optionset.name
from AttributeView as attribute, EntityView as entity
where attribute.optionsetid = OptionSetView.optionsetid and
entity.entityid = attribute.entityid and
OptionSetView.name like 'new_%'
and OptionSetView.name NOT like '%_new_%'
and attribute.Name like '%new%'
The above method is not
suported by microsoft. Use it on our own risk.